30 Days of Local Wine – Day Three: Black Bear Farms & Estate Winery, Black Currant Wine

30 Days of Local Wine

Black Bear Farm & Estate Winery‘s Black Currant wine is a bronze medal winner at the 2010 Finger Lakes International Wine Competition and is made from the finest black currants grown on their farm.

It is William, their winemaker’s, favourite wine. He always points out that the bear on the  label is smiling with approval, too.

“Visually, it shows good concentration with just a slight fading near the rim” says Gary Killops of Essex Wine Review. “It shows it’s quality.”

It carries strong flavours of black currant with their tang and refreshing taste and the smell is black currant all the way.! This wine can be reduced to create a fine sauce to go with pork tenderloin dish, or just like William would say, in your favouite wine glass.

If you want to try something different mix Black Bear Farms Black Currant wine with a little apple juice to get a whole new taste that can be used as a drink cocktail.

Chef Scott Edmunds of Centro has offered us this recipe which includes the Black Currant wine as a sauce:

Pork Tenderloin with a Black Current Wine Reduction Sauce

  • 8 3oz Medallions of Pork Tenderloin
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) and Freshly Ground Pepper
  • 1/4 Cup Beef Stock
  • 1/4 Cup Black Current Wine
  • 2 Tbsp Black Currant Jam
  • 1 Tsp Brown Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Chopped Chives

Preheat oven to 400F/200C.

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over high heat. Season the medallions with salt and pepper. Add pork to skillet, be sure not to over crowd the pan to ensure that the meat browns properly (About 2 minutes per side). Transfer pork to a baking dish, bake 15-17 minutes or until just a hint of pink remains in the pork.

For the sauce
Deglaze the skillet with the cabernet sauvignon, reduce for 2 minutes and add remaining ingredients. Reduce until the consistency is syrup-like, adjust seasoning if necessary.

Garnish with fresh chopped chives.

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