Craft Heads Close Tap Room Until Further Notice, Still Offer Bottle Service

Craft Heads Brewing Company made a difficult decision today to temporarily close their tap room until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  While currently closed as well, their bottle service will be made available again later this week.

Their statement reads:

We are a brewery built and supported by the community. We take great pride in being a place to meet up with friends both old and new. a safe place for anyone and everyone and a place to try out the most adventurous beers around. However, we feel it is our responsibility and in the best interest of everyone that we close down the taproom until further notice and wait this thing out. It is a difficult decision to make but it is a necessary one.

We will be reopening the bottle shop later this week as we will figure out a safe and hygienic way of getting our beer to you while you #selfisolate . In the meantime, we will be halting any growler/howler/bottle returns for the time being because “Aint nobody got time for that”

We’ll get through this together so stay safe and do your part to #FlattenTheCurve

– Your Craft Heads Fam

They also were sure to big “big ups” to all the medical professionals out there making sure we’re safe and promised to throw a hell of a party for them once this is all over.

As of March 16, 2020, there are 0 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Windsor-Essex as businesses continue to come out and do their part with closures to encourage social distancing.


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