Dr. Don Livermore. Master Blender for J.P. Wisers.

For A Good Time Call: Dr. Don Livermore, Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd.


Canadian Master Blender Dr. Don Livermore is a  rockstar in the whisky world and a big part of what makes the Windsor, Ontario region Whiskytown, Canada.

After beginning his career as a microbiologist in quality assurance at Hiram Walker and Sons Ltd, he then worked in Research and Product Development for 11 years before taking the helm as Master Blender in early January 2012.

On this episode, we talk about what makes Canadian whisky unique, his favourite thing about his job and the great reputation Canadian whisky is getting across the globe.

Resources Mentioned on this Episode:

J.P. Wiser’s Experience
Dr. Don Livermore on Instagram
Whiskytown, Canada
Drinks of Walkerville


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This podcast highlights happenings in food, drink and tourism related initiatives not only in Windsor but in other cities as well. For A Good Time Call podcast is produced every week.

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