WindsorEats Named as Finalist In Canadian Tourism Awards

Watch out, Canadian tourism industry! Here we come!
Watch out, Canadian tourism industry! Here we come!

This is amazing! Let the good times roll!!!

WindsorEats has been named as a finalist for the Small or Medium Sized Business of the Year for the Tourism Industry Association of Canada. That’s the whole country!

The award will be presented to a tourism business (with fewer than 20 employees….we started with only 2 of us but are now up to 8!) that exemplifies industry best practices in all aspects of its operations, and is thus an example of all-round business excellence in the tourism industry.

Say, "whisky"!
Say, “whisky”!

One of the aspects that gained us the national recognition is our Drinks of Walkerville tour, which re-introduced the public to the Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd. distillery for the first time in over 16 years.

The winners will be announced at the Tourism Congress in Gatineau Quebec in November.

Earlier this week Adriano was selected as one of the finalists for the Tourism Champion of the Year by the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario. What a week!

We both feel pretty lucky to be doing what we love and couldn’t be happier to tell others about what a great part of the country we live in. So stay tuned! We’ll be travelling to Quebec in November for the awards ceremony and keeping our fingers crossed!


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