Hot Lips poutine from Phog Lounge in downtown Windsor, Ontario.

Phog Lounge Will Be Offering A Poutine Pop Up This Week

Phog Lounge is offering up their poutine for those of us that are missing the taste of curds, gravy and fries.

For one night only, you will be able to order a classic poutine for $7. There is also the option to have vegan cheese for an extra dollar.

To place your order visit the event page on FaceBook and send a message to Phog. Pick up times will be Fridays from 5pm to 8pm and orders must be paid in advance.

Please note that there are limited quantities. If all goes well, they might even consider an additional pop up at a later date!


*In this moment of crisis, it is more important than ever to support the small businesses in our community. We are asking all our visitors for the smallest of favours to provide us with some resemblance of cash flow. Please click on the above advertisements in the middle of our articles. We thank you very much for your support. Stay calm, kind and positive.*


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