Phog Lounge in downtown Windsor, Ontario.

One Of Canada’s Best Live Music Venues, Phog Lounge Turns Fifteen

3 years. That’s all they planned for.

Those 3 years have since turned into a version of Gilligan’s Island with much better music and cast of characters.

Tonight, Phog Lounge, the diminutive bar once named Canada’s best live music venue, will be celebrating the fact they’ve been rocking the music and art scene in the city for 15 years.

Adriano Ciotoli of WindsorEats celebrating a win at the Coaster Throwing Championships at Phog Lounge in Windsor, Ontario.
Adriano Ciotoli of WindsorEats celebrating a win at the Coaster Throwing Championships at Phog Lounge in Windsor, Ontario.

The 60 capacity bar has been a staple in the local arts community, regularly putting on poetry readings, art shows and more on top of their live music shows. One of our favourite events at Phog Lounge is their monthly Coaster Throwing Championship. Participants take turns throwing coasters at targets which have predetermined points. Whoever knocks down coasters to accumulate the most points wins. You’ll even get to choose your own “walk-up” music to throw to. Disclaimer: As seen in the photo, takes his coaster throwing seriously and will trash talk the heck out of you if you’re challenging him.

So head out there tonight and show some love. There’s gonna be tons of old Phog ephemera, embarrassing photos running on the TV screen, and lots of free goodies. Plus, they serve poutine. Gloriously yummy poutine.


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