For A Good Time Call: Justin Lafontaine, Tourism Innovator


Justin Lafontaine, Tourism Innovator

On this episode we talk to Justin Lafontaine about life in Windsor, “Windsorisms” and what new projects he’s cooking up for his new hometown including a funding initiative for the next great tourism idea.

Justin has been developing innovative and award-winning tourism initiatives and collaborative partnerships across Ontario for over 15 years. Projects have included the Bike Train Initiative, Ontario Cycle Tourism Forum, Welcome Cyclists Industry Program, and most recently the “WEBikeBus” project.

As a proud new Windsor resident, Justin looks forward to engage, develop and promote Windsor and Essex County as a vibrant bike friendly community and leading cycle tourism destination.


Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Bike Train Ontario

WE Bike Bus

Stroll Windsor

Tourism Innovation


This podcast highlights happenings in food, drink and tourism related initiatives not only in Windsor but in other cities as well. For A Good Time Call podcast is produced every week. Come back often and feel free to add the podcast to your favourite RSS feed or iTunes.

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