The Pickle Me Elmo Caesar from Walkerville Eatery in Windsor, Ontario.

Today Is National Caesar Day, Walkerville Eatery Has BOGO

Today is National Caesar Day and a Walkerville restaurant known for their Caesars is offering a buy-one-get-one special.

Taking place on the Thursday before Victoria Day weekend each year, the day honours the cocktail loved (and created) by Canadians. In fact, Canadian Parliament officially named the Caesar Canada’s national drink.

The Ridiculous & Obnoxious Caesar for Two at Walkerville Eatery in Windsor, Ontario.
The Ridiculous & Obnoxious Caesar for Two at Walkerville Eatery in Windsor, Ontario.

So today, May 19, 2023, from 3pm to 9pm, Walkerville Eatery is offering up two-for-one specials on their Caesars. The restaurant is known for making a great classic, as well as completely over-the-top Caesars like their Ridiculous & Obnoxious Caesar For Two which includes three shots of vodka, two traditional sliders and everything else the restaurant can find to put on it.


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