Jerk Poutine from Lagos Grill in Downtown Windsor, Ontario.

There’s A Jerk Chicken Poutine In Downtown Windsor You Need To Try

It’s always a beautiful thing when a fusion of cultures creates something mighty fine to eat. It’s even better when it involves poutine.

If you know us, we’re big fans of poutine. Huge. So big we event developed an entire tour that revolves around poutine. So whenever there’s a new one offered, we’re always quick to try it.

Enter Lagos Grill.

This Nigerian-Caribbean eatery in downtown Windsor already has some dishes we raved about, and now they’ve added another one to the list. They took the Caribbean’s most well known dish – jerk chicken – and Canada’s most iconic dish – poutine – and combined them into one beautiful love child of a meal.

The restaurant takes a classic poutine and loads with it shredded jerk chicken.

Does it have heat? ✅ Saltiness? ✅ Deliciousness? ✅

It’s an absolutely knocker of a dish.



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