The famous Deux Chevaux from Motor Burger in Windsor, Ontario.

Motor Burger Is Closing Their Doors, Nooch To Take Over Space

Farewell, Deux Chevaux. It’s a sad day in the Windsor food scene as Motor Burger has decided to close their doors for good.

The duo of Jay Souilliere and Gino Gesuale have been active in the Windsor-Essex hospitality scene for decades, the last 12 years with Motor Burger. They will now be shifting their focus to the Detroit hospitality scene, with their Motor Burger location at Detroit Shipping running on all cylinders.

It isn’t all bad news, however, as they have secured Nooch Vegan Eatery as the new tenant to fill their space. If you’re unfamiliar with them, Nooch serves up delicious plant-based cuisine.

We at WindsorEats wish Jay and Gino all the best and their future endeavours and will certainly miss their Deux Chevaux and all those tasty beers they brewed.

You Gotta Eat Here! at Motor Burger

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