Watch the Trailer for Documentary, “The Pizza City You’ve Never Heard Of”

A new documentary is about to be released about the amazingness of Windsor, Ontario’s pizza.

While Windsorites across the globe know and rave about how good pizza is in Canada’s southernmost city (it was recently named Windsor’s most iconic food), it’s not even on the radar of most. However, director, Tristan Laughton, is hoping to change that with the documentary, “The Pizza City You’ve Never Heard Of”.

The film stars former Windsor resident George Kalivas, who makes his rounds to the city’s pizzerias to prove that Windsor truly is one of the world’s top pizza destinations.

In the trailer above, George speaks to how cities like New York, Chicago, and Detroit and praised for their pizzas yet Windsor isn’t even in any discussions, or worse, even known.

For those that do know, it’s not uncommon for Windsor-style pizzas to be flown across Canada for parties or just to quench hankering for some of the world’s best pizza.

If you’re a Windsor pizza lover, you’ll recognize many of the iconic pizza joints George saunters into and immediately get the urge to order a pie.


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