City of Windsor Approves Outdoor Food Hall Pilot Project And More

The City of Windsor has approved moving forward with WindsorEats’ outdoor food hall project to support local restaurants.

A huge and much deserved thanks and appreciation go out to Mayor Drew Dilkens, Councillors Fred Francis and Chris Holt and the rest of council for moving so quickly on this initiative and others that will provide much needed support for the hospitality.

The approval for the outdoor food hall pilot project and other initiatives are expected to be made public by Mayor Dilkens later this afternoon and are contingent on the Province of Ontario easing restrictions. It approval must still be officially ratified at the May 25, 2020, meeting of City Council.

The motion also includes the ability to close down roads in Business Improvement Areas, a proposal brought forward by Filip Rocca of Mezzo Restaurant, and the removal of fees for patios.

Here is a rundown of what was included in the motion:

  • That fees for sidewalk cafe permits be waived for the remainder of 2020
  • That fees for outdoor cafes located on the public right of way be waived for the remainder of 2020
  • That fees for the rental of Lanspeary Park be waived to allow for a pilot project for an outdoor food hall, the details and content of which are subject to the satisfaction of City Administration
  • That Business Improvement Areas (BIA) within the City of Windsor be requested to submit plans forthwith for any temporary closure of roads and/or sidewalks to facilitate proper physical distancing while encouraging patrons to support local businesses within a BIA
  • That City Council waive fees for the closing of the public right of way for approvals granted to BIA’s


*In this moment of crisis, it is more important than ever to support the small businesses in our community. We are asking all our visitors for the smallest of favours to provide us with some resemblance of cash flow. Please click on the above advertisements in the middle of our articles. We thank you very much for your support. Stay calm, kind and positive.*


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