Our First Community Seedling Swap

WindsorEats is hosting our first Community Seedling Swap!

We’re getting together to exchange our extra seedlings and seeds.  The seed/ling exchange will take place between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Rino’s Kitchen, 131 Elliott Street West.

This is a great way to get a variety of seedlings for your garden.  You can bring any vegetable seed or seedling you like, but we do encourage people to bring heirloom and/or organic varieties or varieties you have grown yourself and know to grow well in this area.

Swappers will need to register and indicate what they are bringing at http://windsoreats.eventbrite.ca

Keep up to date on the event through Twitter , FaceBook  or right here on WindsorEats

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