30 Days of Local Wine – Day Nine: Cooper's Hawk Vineyard, 2010 Rosé

30 Days of Local Wine

The 2010 Rosé is the favourite wine at Cooper’s Hawk Vineyard. The grapes were left a little later on the vine taking advantage of the warm fall and cool nights. This wine is 100% Cabernet Franc and was cold pressed and cold fermented. The natural residual sugar brings out the fruit aromas of strawberries and peaches, but the acidity in the wine balances out the finish and makes for a great pairing with spicy foods, like Thai, and desserts.

The 2010 Rosé won Cooper’s Hawk their first bronze medal at the Shores of Wine Festival in September.

The claim of being the favourite win though comes with some bad news. By the time this article was posted, Cooper’s Hawk sold out. They have none left. Nada. Zero. Zilch. For those of you who have yet purchased a bottle, please practice patience as the 2011 version will be around before you know it. If you already have a bottle, or 3 in my case, of the Rosé, be sure to use them wisely and that the friends you drink it with are Cooper’s Hawk Rosé worthy.

A great pairing suggestion with this wine is Naan bread with sliced chicken and tabbouleh salad. Prepare and cut the Naan quesadilla style and layer with chicken and tabbouleh.

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