It's A Mo-Down! WindsorEats vs. Motor Burger Face Off To Raise Money During Movember

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It’s a Mo-Down!

WindsorEats and Motor Burger will be going head to head in a Movember challenge. While the moustaches grow, so too hopefully will the donations. The team which raises the most cash come December 1, 2011 is declared the winner.

If Team Motor Burger wins, both Pina and Adriano of WindsorEats will be property of Motor Burger for a day to wait on tables. If Team WindsorEats wins, we’ll be giving away a $50 Motor Burger gift certificate to one of our donors.

If you want to donate to Team WindsorEats (I may be biased but I think this is the route to go), click here: Donate to Team WindsorEats

If you want to donate to Team Motor Burger, click here: Donate to Team Motor Burger.

The only question that remains is, which Team are you on?


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