Tasty Tuesday Recipe: Chocolate Pumpkin Cupcakes

Last week, I posted about making your own pumpkin puree and mentioned how you can use the puree to make delicious cupcakes.

This week I decided to put the puree to work and give those cupcakes a go.  Just like the puree, this is a ridiculously easy recipe.  Two ingredients:  a box of chocolate cake mix, 500ml of your homemade pumpkin puree.   That’s my kinda cookin’.

Empty the cake mix ingredients into the bowl and add the puree.  Mix.

Put about a tablespoon of the mix into each individual cupcake liner.  Place the cakes into a 350F oven.

Bake until for about 15-20 minutes.  To check if they’re done, just insert a toothpick into the middle of one of the cakes.  If it comes out clean, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool.

And there you have it.  Another super simple recipe.  Now I’d show you the final product…..but they were gone before I could even get one photo.  But trust me….they were delicious.  Light, moist, chocolatey and the kids would have no idea that you added a little squash to their treat.

Don’t forget we have a great contest going on right now. Submit a recipe using local ingredients and you’ll have shot at winning a beautiful cookbook, The Ontario Table, and the opportunity to meet the author, Lynn Ogryzlo, at a great event!  It’s easy to enter and easy to win, so make sure you get your recipe in!

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