Tasty Tuesday: Roasted Garlic & Tomato Pasta

Roasted Garlic and Tomato Pasta

The other night, Jillian and I wanted to have a nice, somewhat light dinner to reflect the beautiful weather we’ve been having. We also didn’t feel like grocery shopping and didn’t have much left in our fridge. What did we come up with? A fantastic roasted garlic and tomato penne.

  • 12 local Cherry Tomatoes
  • 20 Cloves of Garlic
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Pasta

First you need to preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celcius). Throw the tomatoes and garlic into an over proof pan. Drizzle them with the olive oil, salt and fresh ground black pepper. Roast in the over for about 20 minutes or until garlic is soft and golden. (Don’t overcook or the garlic will taste bitter)

While doing that, make sure you boil a pot of  salted water for your pasta of choice. Jill and I used penne. When the water begins to boil, throw your pasta in and cook until the pasta is nice and al dente. When it is, obviously drain the water from the pasta and throw the pasta back into the pot. When the tomatoes and garlic are finished, remove them from the oven and put them in with the pasta, juices and all. Toss the pasta, tomatoes and garlic well.

In case you didn’t notice with the picture, Jill and I grated some fresh Parmegiano Reggiano over top. What also would have been nice is if we used the fresh basil from our garden over the pasta, but we forgot.

Voila! A simple, quick and tasty recipe that isn’t heavy and perfect for summer, you and a companion. Enjoy!

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