Wine Express Recap, Jack's Gastropub & 30 Days of Local Wine

Participants enjoying our Wine Express tours to Lake Erie North Shore wineries

If you haven’t heard yet (and shame on you if you haven’t), WindsorEats has turned the month of December into 30 Days of Local Wine. 30DLW is a promotion in which we feature a different local wine from the Lake Erie North Shore each month to encourage you to purchase local wines for your holiday gifts and dinner parties.

If you’re a Facebook user, be sure to follow us to get the daily updates and share your own feedback and photos. Also, follow us on Twitter or have a say by using the #30dlw hashtag.

Enjoying some tastings during the Wine Express stop at Colio Estate Wines

To coincide with the 30DLW, we organized a couple Wine Express outings, bus tours to our Lake Erie North Shore wineries for participants to enjoy some tastings while doing their Christmas shopping. Our second and final ride was yesterday and we had a great time.

This ride we visited Colio Estate Wines, Colchester Ridge Estate Winery, Black Bear Farms & Estate Winery and Pelee Island Winery.

A majority of our Wine Express guests enjoyed lunch at Mephisto's Grill in Kingsville, Ontario

We allowed our guests to choose between any of our Kingsville members for lunch on us. The majority of the group chose Mephisto’s Grill, but since Pina and I ate at there on the last Wine Express, we decided to hit up our newest member, Jack’s Gastropub.

The featured burger of the week at Jack's Gastropub in Kingsville.

I ordered the feature burger for the week which was actually created by one of Jack’s regular customers. Along with the beef, it included a peach and red pepper chutney (and whole peach slices!), melted Stilton cheese and cucumber slices. It was absolutely fantastic. I never would have expected peaches and beef to go so well together but it added a touch of sweetness that complimented it very well.

Apple Jack burger at Jack's Gastropub's in Kingsville, Ontario

Pina went with a burger than a bunch of our loyal followers told us to try once they heard Jack’s was a member: The Apple Jack Burger. It is a pork burger with maple bacon, cheddar, cider mayo and fresh sliced apple on an onion kaiser. She raved about it.

A Wine Express participants getting some helpful suggestions at Pelee Island Winery

So we all had a great time yesterday and beat the wonderful winter weather that came today. Be sure to follow the 30 Days of Local Wine for great gift giving ideas, recipes and more!

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