Tweets, Beats & Eats: An Interactive Dinner Party

You’ve always been taught that talking to others with your mouth full is not polite. On April 29, 2010, we’re telling you to throw that logic out the window as we will be holding our first Tweets, Beats & Eats event at Motor Burger.

Guests are encouraged to bust out their phones at the dinner table and use Twitter to say whatever is on their mind. These tweets will be shown live on screens throughout the restaurant for all to see and enjoy. This public display of the “dinner chatter” will also give an opportunity to those not attending to join the conversation.

A DJ will be spinning live throughout the evening for all guests to enjoy some dinner music and even dance the night away!

The menu for the evening will consist of 3 burgers (it looks like Chef Jay Souilliere is leaning towards a beef, lamb and veggie trio), each paired with a beer specifically picked to showcase the flavours of each burger.

Tweets, Beats & Eats will begin at 8:00pm and tickets will be available for sale shortly in our online shop. More info regarding the event, including a detailed menu and the DJ for evening, will also be released soon.

This event is a great opportunity to get out and have some fun, share some laughs and make new friends while enjoying the company of old ones.

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