Windsor Urban Chicken Update

We received an update from Steve Green on the progress of permitting urban chickens in the City of Windsor. Here is what he had to say:

Hello Windsorites

an update on the Urban Chicken Proposal for our area. To date, we have hundreds of signatures in support for a change in the Bylaws of the City of Windsor to allow for Urban Chickens. In the online poll I received zero ‘NO’ replies, which was stunning, as the poll was open to the entire public, not just friends of mine. Also, over 75% of the people signing the online poll stated they would be interested in joining with Urban Chicken homesteaders in support of local eggs in their neighborhood, being part of an Urban Chicken Collective! That’s exciting Windsor!

On a big downer is the City of Windsor. They have not contacted me about a follow up meeting at City Council to establish a Working Committee on Establishing Urban Chickens in Windsor and changing the bylaws. Surprised? Not really. When it comes to change, the wheel moves quite slow at City Hall. Mind you there have been a few staff changes, er, departures, so that might be holding things up. The new person to contact about this is now Michael Chantler, according the voice mail that I get through to.

So now I sit in my nesting box and wait for someone from the adminasphere at City of Windsor to contact me regarding this effort! Keep up the pressure people, don’t crack! Let your councilor know you won’t be shoved into the hen house out in the county! Thanks for everyone’s support! Windsor, you continually surprise me!

Steve Green

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