We changed the look of our blog….again. As much of I liked the look of the last change we made…I liked the look of the original way our blog looked even more. In fact, I missed it so much that we decided to go back to it (actually I think Adriano was tired of hearing me say “I miss the old blog”).
The reason we changed it in the first place was because when we updated WordPress to the recent version, our theme was no longer compatible. So away it went. Have to admit, I was pretty torn up about it. But change is inevitable, right? So we found a new template that Adriano and I were both content with and a new blog adventure began. But I just couldn’t forget the old template and how much better it was.
We’ve managed to find something similar and we hope you think it’s better too. Of course, we’ll be tweeking it here and there. Trying to improve it when we can. The layout is back to basics. Full posts, comments on the side, a blogroll….*sigh*…..good times, good times. Blog on!