Buttons Buttons Buttons!

Last month, a long time dream came true for me.  I was granted access to a button maker.   I know!  It’s exciting!  I think I may have even cried a little when it arrived.

Rose and I have been talking about purchasing a button maker for years.  Years!!  So many ideas of what to do with the button maker, but so little money to purchase one.

Well, a few weeks ago, I had a visit from a friend and lo and behold what did she hold in her arms…..a button maker!!

She had just purchased this beautiful machine to make 1 1/2 inch buttons and needed a place to keep it safe.  Hello!  That’s me!  Pick me! Pick me!  I’ll store the button maker!

And so here it is.  I quickly put in an order for the bits and bobbles required to make buttons and once they arrived, Rose drew up a few designs, Adriano printed them out and I got to work creating these…..

Look at all the buttons!
Look at all the buttons!

How cute are they????  I’m in love with them.  We have a few designs that we tried out and you’ll start seeing them at our events or any festivals we attend.

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