So much to do, so little time…

Hectic cannot even begin to explain it.

WindsorEats has been crazy busy the last little while. Pina and I have been on the go go go since the new year began. With 2009 being our 5th year, we wanted to celebrate in style with events galore.

Winter Bites in January was a huge success and everyone had a blast at our free Valentine Day Skate. Tonight, we’ll be participating in talk20 and in March we will be resurrecting an event from one restaurant’s past (we’ll let you know more later). Our Wine Trail Rides are about to be confirmed for 2009, the WindsorEats Shop is about to become an online reality, a partnership that seems like a match made in heaven is about to be announced and much much more.

Keep checking back, people. We’ll have lots to tell in the coming week or two.

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