Busy Busy Busy: A Review of Events

The past couple weeks have been insanely busy for WindsorEats.

Back on October 27, 2008, WindsorEats participated for the 3rd straight year in the Taste of Downtown. We joined WindsorEats members including Bamboo Catering Co., Chatham Street Grill, City Beer Market, Mazaar, Oishii Sushi & Ultra Lounge, Plunkett’s and others in promoting the culinary delights to be found in Downtown Windsor, all while giving to a good cause.

AnthonY Dalupan of Bamboo showing off his famous sliders
AnthonY Dalupan of Bamboo showing off his famous sliders

On Halloween weekend, WindsorEats was helping the thousands of visitors attending and participating in Hocktoberfest places to eat in the area. We were busy providing dining options, giving directions and booking reservations.

On a personal note, Halloween is always a great time for Pina and I and our entire family. This year Pina decided to go as a Roman while I went as one of WindsorEats’ arch nemeses, Col. Sanders.

Adriano as Col. Sanders for Halloween
Adriano as Col. Sanders for Halloween

WindsorEats was also invited to the Windsor International Film Festival‘s opening Gala. The feature was the film, One Week, directed by Michael McGowan and starring Joshua Jackson. It was a fantastic film that I highly recommend seeing when it comes out in theatres.

WindsorEats also encourages you go out for dinner and a movie. Make a reservation at a local restaurant through WindsorEats, go out for dinner and enjoy one of the showings at the Windsor International Film Festival taking place this week, November 7-16, 2008. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Jillian enjoying some treats at the WIFF Gala 2008
Jillian enjoying some treats at the WIFF Gala 2008

WindsorEats was also interviewed on AM 800 CKLW about our call out for local musicians to send us their music. If you haven’t heard, WindsorEats is looking to use, and promote, local music in our future projects.

Putting my photography skills, or non-skills, to use, I also headed over to the Windsor Endowment for the Arts annual general meeting to take some photos. In an attempt to mix things up a bit, the AGM was open to the public as we toured a trio of clustered art studios in the Pilette Village: Nancy Johns Gallery & Framing, Vincent Franzoi Art Gallery and Paula’s Gallery.

Nancy Johns Gallery played host to the 2008 WEA AGM
Nancy Johns Gallery played host to the 2008 WEA AGM

Saturday, November 8, 2008 marked the very first Big Walk, put on by Tom Lucier. There was a good turnout as people meandered throughout the city on a marathon 16 hour tour of Windsor. I happened to drop in long enough to interview Tom and inhale a Rockhead Ultimate burger for lunch at Rockhead Pub on Ottawa Street. A great burger with a fantastic Whiskey sauce.

Ultimate Rockhead burger from Rockhead Pub on Ottawa Street
Ultimate Rockhead burger from Rockhead Pub on Ottawa Street

Last, but, definitely not least, on Sunday, November 9, 2008, I went out to the cenotaph in Downtown Windsor for a ceremony paying respect to all soldiers past and present for what they have sacrificed. A reminder that Tuesday, November 11, 2008, is Remembrance Day and another ceremony will be taking place at the same spot beginning at precisely 11:00am.

There were more events and meetings that took place for WindsorEats in between these events, however, this post would be a tad too long if I listed them all. Videos will be coming shortly highlighting the events.

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