Display full of paczki at Stiemar Bakery in Windsor, Ontario.

Iconic Windsor Bakery Says No To Paczki In 2024. Is This A Sign Of The Apocalypse?

Steimar Bakery has announced they won’t be making paczki for the 2024 Fat Tuesday.

This year, on Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, known locally as Paczki day, the bakery has decided to break from tradition. Instead of crafting Paczki, they’ll be open and offering their everyday delicious donuts instead.


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While there’s no blame to go around, the decision actually stems from the popularity of sweet treat.

“The demand has become so high that in order to fulfil all the orders, the quality was sacrificed last year, and that is not something we want to happen again”, the bakery said in a social media post.

To avoid disappointment, Stiemar have decided to open their doors from 7:00am to 5:30pm on February 13, which is typically their closed day. As an added bonus, donuts will be discounted by $1.00 per dozen for that day only.

Please note that donuts will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis while quantities last. No pre-orders will be taken. Stiemar will also have their usual fantastic selection of goodies in case your palate craves something different.


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