Colasanti's Donut Beer by The Grove Brewing Company in Kingsville, Ontario.

Grove Brewing Company Rereleasing The Colasanti Donut Beer!

The first time The Grove Brewing Company released their Colasanti’s Donut Beer, it sold out in just hours. This time, they’ve made a lot more.

The Kingsville, Ontario, brewery is rereleasing their homage to the iconic cinnamon donuts at Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens at 11am on Thursday, January 26, 2023.



Colasanti’s Donut Beer is a golden ale with cinnamon and maple sugar.

Unlike when it was first released in a limited batch, this time the beer will be available in both cans at the brewery in the walk-in fridge and also on tap. If purchasing online, you can even have it delivered to your home!

To make things even more fun and delicious, when you buy a 6-pack of the donut beer, you’ll also get a coupon for a free 6-pack of donuts, which you can redeem at Colasanti’s!


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