What Could A COVID Curfew Look Like For Ontario Hospitality Businesses?

With Quebec officially being put under a curfew beginning Saturday, what would it look like for hospitality businesses if one was implemented in Ontario?

While we admit we’re jumping the gun a little bit here, in speaking to reporters, Premier Doug Ford didn’t rule out the possibility of a curfew being implemented in Ontario, saying “I’ll talk to the chief medical officer regarding any further restrictions.”


Since a curfew is on the table, let’s take a look at Quebec’s curfew and how it would affect the hospitality and tourism industries here in Ontario if a similar one was introduced.

First, we’re just going to be blunt. The hospitality and tourism industry have been two of the hardest hit during this pandemic. Many have already closed permanently and further restrictions will likely be the death knell for even more.



The main part of the Quebec curfew is that people will need to stay in their homes from 8:00p.m. to 5:00a.m. or risk a fine of up to $6,000. This curfew is currently set to run until February 8, 2021, so a one month stretch.

There are a few allowed exceptions:

Allowed exceptions are:

  • a person whose presence in the workplace is essential;
  • a person who must obtain the necessary medications following a medical appointment;
  • a person who must go to or return from a hospital, a clinic, or a dentist’s or optometrist’s office;
  • a person who must visit  a sick or injured parent;
  • a student who must participate in a face-to-face evening class or go to a laboratory in a recognized school;
  • a parent who must accompany his or her children to the home of the other parent who has custody of them;
  • a person returning home on a night flight from a work-related trip abroad;
  • a person can walk their dogs within one kilometre of their home;
  • a person who must accompany to a medical appointment another person who is unable to drive;
  • a parent who must accompany a sick child to the hospital;
  • a parent who must accompany an adolescent to his work.


Quebec is not recommending this, except for essential travel, students, workers, shared custody, freight transportation.



Much like Ontario’s Red restrictions, dining rooms are closed, period. Only delivery, takeout, and drive-thru orders are permitted. However, the curfew only allows those to take place during the non-restricted hours. This means delivery, takeout and drive-thru are only permitted before 7:30 p.m.






Microbreweries and distilleries are to be closed for on-site food or beverage consumption services.



Under Quebec’s curfew, auditoriums, cinemas, theatres, and museums are all closed. Private indoor gatherings are also not permitted.


As mentioned above, this is currently only speculation based on Quebec implementing a curfew and Premier Doug Ford not ruling it out when he normally has in the past. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to start preparing in advance once you start hearing rumours in the media.


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