A volunteer serving up some great whisky at the 2018 Whiskytown Festival in Windsor, Ontario.

Volunteers Needed For The 2019 Whiskytown Festival

Love giving back to your community? Have a fondness for whisky? WindsorEats is looking for volunteers to ensure a fantastic experience at the 2019 Whiskytown Festival.

The Whiskytown Festival will be taking place August 10, 2019, at St. Mary’s Church in the Walkerville neighbourhood of Windsor, Ontario. The festivities will run from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. Volunteers are needed from 4:30pm to 8:30pm.

Needed are Smart Serve certified individuals who love to interact with the public to serve whiskies from across the globe.

Of course, we’re also going to want to thank all our volunteers for their hard work. We’ll be hosting a volunteer appreciation night in the days following the festival where volunteers will have the opportunity to sample some of the whiskies they couldn’t try while helping at the festival.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out our form here.


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