Friday Night Lights is a colourful, nighttime "pub crawl" on bike in Windsor, Ontario.

Is this the best and brightest bike ride in Southwestern Ontario?

Shine bright like a diamond. Words from philosopher, Rihanna, that have been taken to heart by one bike ride.

Imagine the sight of hundreds of colourfully lit cyclists rolling by, bells clacking, as they partake in a pub crawl on two wheels. This is Friday Night Lights, a bi-weekly ride in Windsor, Ontario. It takes riders to multiple bars, restaurants, breweries and other fun stops.

Exploring the night life throughout the city in a fun and unique way is what it’s all about. Riders get lit deck out there bicycles (and sometimes themselves) in colourful lights, lighting up the night with more than just an air of excitement. Participants are always trying to outdo each other with their decorations on each ride. If you pay close enough attention, you may catch a glimpse of the couple on a tandem bike which has custom built chandelier installed to hang over them as they ride.

The stops and routes along the way are always a secret and different with each ride. They’ve included everything from stops to enjoy a beer and play beach volleyball at a local fitness club to a dance party at a wine club. The ride has even a stop at an art gallery for the launch of an Andy Warhol exhibit.

With as many as 300+ people riding along, the atmosphere is fantastic. Several riders even equip their bicycles with sound systems with some great playlists. “Changing the station” to hear the music you like is as easy as pedalling faster or slower.

So, you ready to ride?


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