A whisky for you, a whisky for me, a whisky for everybody!

Windsor’s First Whisky Festival Planned For This Summer

If you love whisky, you’re going to love Windsor, Ontario just a wee bit more.

Earlier today, we announced our plans to attract whisky lovers to the region through our Whiskytown, Canada, an initiative for the region to target whisky lovers around the world with the unique whisky experiences and the unique history to the region. Within that announcement was a second announcement: the launch of the Whiskytown Festival to take place this summer!

The grounds of St. Mary's Church in Walkerville will be the home to the Whiskytown Festival.
The grounds of St. Mary’s Church in Walkerville will be the home to the Whiskytown Festival.

The whisky festival, the first to be held south of Toronto, will feature a wide selection of whiskies to sample as well as a variety of whisky-based craft cocktails. It’ll take place on the historic property of St. Mary’s Church in the Walkerville neighbourhood of Windsor, which is the birthplace of Canadian Club.

Tickets are for now sale for the August 4, 2018 festival.  Each ticket gets you 5 tokens and a sampling glass.


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