Sweet and Savory Breakfast Bread Pudding

A Sweet & Savoury Breakfast Bread Pudding You’ll Want Every Day

Who doesn’t love a great breakfast dish? Not me. I’ll eat breakfast morning noon and night if given the chance. So when chef Joshua Fraser of Rino’s Kitchen invited me to try his breakfast creation using a new sausage he collaborated on with Robbie’s Gourmet Sausage Company, how could I say no?

It’s sweet. It’s savoury. It could be the best damn bread pudding you will ever try. It’ll also help you get rid of any leftover croissants you may have laying around.


Sweet and Savoury Breakfast Bread Pudding

  • 15 stale mini croissants – diced
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 Robbie’s Gourmet Drunken Blueberry Breakfast Sausages
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 1/4 cup walnut
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • Butter for cooking
  • Maple syrup for garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 425.
  2. Place a large pan on the stove over medium heat.
  3. Remove sausages from their casings and add to pan with dice onion.
  4. Mix 3 eggs with ½ cup of milk reserving one egg and ¼ cup of milk.
  5. Add salt sugar and vanilla to egg/milk mix.
  6. Combine the wet ingredients with croissants and add the walnut, mix well.
  7. Fill one greased baking dish. Do not tamp or press down but try to make the top uniform in height.
  8. Cook in the oven for approx 20 min covered removing to let cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. Let cool.
  10. Once cooled, remove pudding and cut into individual portions.
  11. Mix remaining egg and milk.
  12. Add a pinch of salt.
  13. Place a large pan over medium/high heat and add butter.
  14. Dredge the bread pudding in the egg/milk mixture and place in hot pan.
  15. Cook on each side til golden (approx. 2-3 min).
  16. Serve with maple syrup and enjoy!


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