Recipe: DIY Coconut Coffee Scrub

I’ve been saving my coffee grounds for quite some time and have been trying to come up with different ways to use them. It just seems so wrong to throw them away! So the search began to find a way to reuse the grounds in a way that was easy and made me feel good about myself.


There’s a plethora of information and recipes out there on what to do with leftover coffee grounds. I’ve taken a tip from my nonna and about once a week I add a spoonful to my houseplants. After her morning  espresso, my nonna would put her grounds in potted plants around her house. She said it gave them energy. Nonnas don’t lie 🙂

Another way I’ve been using them is in the shower. Mixed in with coconut oil, the grounds make a wonderful scrub and feels great on your skin. Coffee is said to help reduce cellulite, redness, inflammation and helps improve circulation while it exfoliates and brightens your skin. The coconut oil moisturizes and softens. Oh…and it smells AH-MAH-ZING!

The combination of the scrub and the coconut oil is perfect for the winter when we all tend to battle with dry skin. It leaves my skin feeling smooth and soft. They also make a great gift. I made several of these and packaged them in small jars and gave them to friends and family.


Coconut Coffee Scrub

  • 1/4 cup coffee grounds
  • 1 cup coconut oil


In a bowl, mix the two ingredients until they are thoroughly combined. I keep the coconut oil at room temperature. It makes it easier to stir in the coffee grounds. Transfer the scrub into a wide mouth jar (makes it easier to scoop out with your hand while in the shower). When in the shower, just scoop out a bit of the scrub, lather onto your skin then wash off.

This makes two 4oz (125ml) jars.

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