Let's get shucked!

Watch How To Shuck An Oyster With A Screwdriver

Let's get shucked!
Let’s get shucked!

Oysters are in. People love them. Flock for them. And once they get them, devour them in bunches.

Hold up, though. Not everyone has a shucking tool laying around the house. Well, we’ve got a solution to that thanks to chef Ted Dimoglou of Tiki Sushi: a screwdriver. Everyone has a screwdriver at home, and if you don’t, how are you getting by in life?

With some simple nudges, twists, some elbow grease and knowledge, you can start your own shucking party at home. Shuck with your husband. Shuck with your wife. Shuck with your neighbours, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Oysters and a screwdriver.
Oysters and a screwdriver.

Along with this short and easy video, Ted also provided us with a nice onion mignonette to add on top of those raw oysters. He also says fresh lemon juice, freshly grated horseradish or hot sauce are great to use.

Onion Mignonette for Raw Oysters

  • 1 tbsp finely chopped red onion
  • 1 tbsp red wine
  • 1 tsp red wine vinegar
  • Mix all together.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste


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