Motor Craft Ales Uniting Windsor & Detroit Beer Scene With New Brew

The folks at Motor Craft Ales innovating once again.

Motor Craft Ales
Motor Craft Ales

The craft brewery introduced what they believe is the first collaboration between a Windsor and Detroit brewery. The partnership between Motor Craft Ales and Batch Brewing has seen the creation of a long forgotten American beer style, the Kentucky Common. The name of the brew: Canucky Common.

How did it get its name?

Canucky: /kəˈnʌkˈē/ adv. Related to being a Canuck – i.e. level headed, reasonable, Canadian.

Common: /ˈkämən/ adj. Related to indigenous American beer style of yesteryear, – i.e. Kentucky Common.

The Kentucky Common is a historic pre-prohibition beer and was produced by 90% of breweries in 1913. Traditionally, it was consumed only fresh and on draft due to the lack of modern refrigeration at the time. This is a beer with complex flavours and low to medium alcohol by volume (ABV), which is a standard measure of how much alcohol is in a beverage.

As European immigrants arrived it soon became a working class brew. What a great way to represent Detroit and Windsor!

We’re thinking it’s a perfect reason to head over for a pint and a Deux Cheavux.


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