Top 5 Reasons To Go On A Bikes & Beers Cycling Tour

So you want to go on a bike tour? Well, have we got one that both avid cyclists and people who haven’t jumped on two wheels in years would love.

While there any many, we’ve compiled a list of the top five really, really, ridiculously good reasons you should book a Bikes & Beers cycling tour on your next visit to Windsor, Ontario:

Ride, Drink, Eat, Repeat

Bikes & Beers cycling tour in Windsor, Ontario

This is a perfect ride for any beer lover as we’ll sample up to 11 different beers throughout the tour. Not only do we do the brews, but we’ll also get to enjoy some amazing creations by the popular restaurants Motor Burger (as seen on The Food Network) and Rock Bottom (as seen in our dreams every night).

Side note: Rock Bottom has 30 beers on tap, so now you know why they’re in our dreams.

Easy Pace

Bikes & Beers cycling tour in Windsor, Ontario

Life is hectic. Slow down and enjoy it. We’ll meander through the city and its neighbourhoods giving you the time to take in the sites, the architecture and even the people of the city.

Side note: Heck, we whenever our participants want, we even stop for group photos!


It’s Calorie Neutral!

Bikes & Beers cycling tour in Windsor, Ontario

Work off all the beer and food you’ve consumed throughout the tour! Ok, so we may be exaggerating a bit here, but, it is a fun way to get some exercise.

Side note: we’re a bit gluttonous. Wear comfortable clothing, maybe even pants with stretchable waistbands.

It’s Great Date Material

Bikes & Beers cycling tour in Windsor, Ontario

Rent one of our tandem bikes and have yourself a built in date night…err day. Much like it’s sister cycling tour, the Wine Trail Ride, the Bikes & Beers sees its fair share of couples enjoying each others company.

Side note: for ladies trying to get their significant other to do a bike tour: those macho, macho men feeling a little iffy about  sipping wine in the country side might feel a bit more secure and willing to drink beer in a brewery.


Bikes & Beers cycling tour in Windsor, Ontario

Translation: it’s fun! Break out of the mould and do something different. Our Bikes & Beers tours are a unique and fun way to spend an afternoon, enjoy the company of loved ones or make new friends.

Side note: these rides have become popular with bride-to-be’s looking for a different take on a bachelorette party. 

If this has peaked your interest, tickets and more information about the Bikes & Beers cycling tours can be found here.

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