Recap: Mettawas Station's Winter Wonderland Outdoor Dinner [PHOTOS]

Guests dressed warmly to enjoy their meal at the Winter Wonderland outdoor dinner hosted by Mettawas Station in Kingsville, Ontario.

This past Saturday, Mettawas Station, located in Kingsville, Ontario in the historic old train station, held their annual Winter Wonderland dinner. What makes this event so unique, and in my opinion fun, is that the entire feast is served outdoors in the dead of winter. You read that right. An outdoor meal at the end of January in the cold.

As is the tradition, Chef Anthony Del Brocco keeps the 5-course menu a secret until the dishes are unveiled at each table. To help warm up the patrons outside, each dish is paired with a Lake Erie North Shore wine and portable heaters are scattered throughout the patio.

Here is a look at what was served for the evening and the wines they were paired with:

  • Appetizer
  • Soup
  • Pasta
    • Paparadelle and Chicken Polpetta served with Sprucewood Shores’ Barrel Aged Chardonnay 2009
  • Salad
  • Main Entree
    • Bison Tenderloin with Goat Cheese paired with Pelee’s Cabernet Sauvignon 2008
  • Dessert
    • Candy and Dessert Buffet withyour choice of Pelee’s Icewine Cab Franc and/or Pelee Secco as well as CREW’s Icewine Gewurztraminer

The meal was delicious and the guests had a blast, occasionally taking cover inside an hiding beside the fireplace. Mettawas’ Winter Wonderland is an annual sellout and an event I definitely recommend keeping an eye out for in 2013. Take a look at the photos below to see what you missed this year.



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