Mo-Down Day 3: Team WindsorEats vs. Team Motor Burger 'Stache Selection

Movember 2011 Style Guide

Today is the day. My choice today will be rejoiced or haunt me for the rest of the month. With the stubble coming in nicely, today is the day I decide which moustache to sport for the rest of Movember in our attempt to beat Motor Burger in our fundraising challenge.

So I ask you, dear readers. Using the chart above as a guidelines, or throwing out your own ‘stache option, which friend of the upper lip should I sport?

Feel free to post photos in the comments to guide me.

If you are interested in donating to or even joining Team WindsorEats for our Mo-Down challenge, click here: Team WindsorEats

If you are interested in donating to Team Motor Burger for our Mo-Down challenge, click here: Team Motor Burger

If Team WindsorEats wins, we’ll be giving away some Motor Burger dollars to spend at the popular burger joint. If Team Motor Burger wins, Pina and I will be serving tables at the restaurant for a day. Which would you rather have?

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