Opening Day Sell-Out Encourages More Farmers to Join Downtown Windsor Farmers Market

The Downtown Windsor Farmers Market has been a success story

By 10am on opening day, most farmers at the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market had sold out of popular foods and by noon, almost every vendor table was empty. Strawberries – always a crowd favourite – were snapped up by early birds eager to enjoy the amazing county-grown fruit. Nearby businesses also enjoyed extra customers on the market’s opening day.

Following the success of opening day and after a visit by one individual, two new farmers have decided to join the market starting this week. Jones Popcorn will be featuring kettle corn and three different types of kernels for home popping; the corn is pesticide-free and grown on Mr. Jones’ farm in Blytheswood. Roosters Farm Market has also signed up and will bring fresh vegetables from their Amherstburg farm, including a variety of Asian vegetables like Ching Chang cabbage and bok choi.

New farmers, especially those who choose to grow non-traditional vegetables, are a great addition to the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market and help the market focus on its goal of bringing amazing food from the county to one central location. This week customers can expect to see: currants, strawberries, kale, lettuce, bok choi, herbs, peas, beans, zucchini, bunching onions, tomatoes, Ching Chang cabbage, Chinese radish, garlic scapes, peppers, and maple syrup, as well as wildflowers, planters and window boxes.

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