How To Make Creamy Smoked Salmon & Dill Pasta [VIDEO]

A few weeks ago Sean and I were in Ireland visitng my sister Rose.  We drove out to the west coast and stopped in a town called Lisdoonvarna to pick up smoked salmon at the Burren Smokehouse.  Rose and I have been to the Smokehouse before so whenever we’re in the area we make sure to make a stop.  We picked up a few packages of organic smoked salmon to take home with us and this past Sunday I finally got the chance to use it and I knew exactly what to do with it.

Sean, Rose  and I spent the weekend in Ballyvaughan, a beautiful town located on Galway Bay in an area called the Burren.  Before we started our drive back to Dublin, we asked a few of Rose’s friends for restaurant suggestions.  We were hungry and wanted to stop someplace for lunch before hitting the road.  Sally recommended a place called “Linanne’s”.  Known for their seafood, it was a must.   She gave us some general directions, and after driving around trying to find a town called “Nookie” and then realizing it was “New Quay”….we finally found what we were looking for. Tucked away, down a lonely country road on the bay of Galway, perfectly set on the harbour right in front of where the fisherman brought in their daily catch was Linanne’s.

It was phenomenal.  Fresh, local seafood.  We were in a gastronomic heaven!  We ordered a lot of mouthwatering dishes.  Sean ordered a creamy pasta dish with smoked salmon.  This was the inspiration for our Sunday dinner and this was how I wanted to use the smoked Burren salmon.

Now, let me tell you that the video you are about to see is made in the midst of our Sunday madness.  Evan and Emily were playing “police” and arresting a few of the family members while I was making dinner.  Sunday dinners get a little noisy, but they sure are fun!

The lemon zest and fresh dill gives the dish a wonderfully, light taste. The dish was fantastic and is very quick and easy to make.    As for those family members who were “arrested”, you’ll be happy to know we’ve all been released after being treated in the “hospital” which included being taped up with scotch tape and shoe strings.

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