Italian Tasting Dinner at Foia Restaurant

Foia Restaurant is offering up a 6-course tasting dinner where each course will feature a cuisine from a different region in Italy.

Tickets are $40 per person and wine pairings are available. Seating is limited.

Here is a look at the menu:

Region: Sicily – Sfincione di Caltanisetta
Small home made pizzas with tomatoes and cheese

Region: Alto Adige – Minestra Aglio ed Erbette
Garlic soup with herbs

Region: Lipari – Tonno al Messinesse
Tuna Messina style

Region: Trentino – Gnocchi Ripieni con Ragu di Finferli
Stuffed gnocchi with chanterelle ragu

Region: Campania – Manzo Arrotolato con Letocchie
Stuffed beef tenderloin over lentils

Region: Veneto – Zabaione con le Banano
Zabaglione with bananas

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