Vegetarian Menu for Tweets, Beats & Eats Released

We pride ourselves in listening to our customers/users and giving them what they ask for.

When the Tweets, Beats & Eats menu was originally released, we received questions from groups of people asking if there was a vegetarian menu option. Well, we answered the call and here is the vegetarian option for the evening:

1st Course

Jillians S M A R T -Veg-engine
veggie patty red lentils, sauteed carrots, onions, garlic, toasted sesame, fresh avocado, fresh ginger and rice wine vinegar mayo

Served with herbed, spicy nuts.

Featured Beer:
Sapporo Breweries, Sapporo Premium Beer, Lager, Japan

2nd Course

Wild Mushroom Bisque
Shitake, Oyster, and Cremini soup, drizzled with white truffle oil

Featured Beer:
Singha, Boon Rawd Trading Int’L Co. Ltd. Lager, Thailand

3rd Course

Haloomi Slider
Roasted red pepper, pickled eggplant, grilled Portobello grilled zucchini, and pan seared haloomi cheese, roasted garlic and lemon dressing

Featured Beer:
Unibrou Maudite, Belgian Strong Ale, Quebec

Tickets are still available and are $35. Please add $5 for the veggie option and another $5 should you prefer wine tastings.


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