Do the Math Challenge Day 4: Worst Dinner Yet

I have to come clean. I’m a lying cheater.

While in Gatineau for the National Awards for Tourism Excellence gala, I ate. In comparison to what the rest of the week has been like, oh boy did I eat.. I couldn’t help it. We won the award for Innovator of the Year for the entire Canadian tourism industry and I got caught up in the celebrations! (I was hoping the award would distract you from the fact that I cheated in the challenge)

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m spoiled when it comes to food. As a result of the quality of food I’ve had to choose from, I’ve now resorted to only eating dinner.  Today, at the suggestion of some people, I made a box of Kraft Dinner with a can of tomato soup mixed in it with a can of corn as a side. I love corn, so eating that wasn’t so hard. The KD? I couldn’t finish it. I forced myself to almost eat everything, but in the end I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

However, this attempt at a meal got me thinking. Putting quality of food aside and focusing instead on quantity, with the limited amount of food provided to you at food banks, what is the likely hood that you will attempt new recipes? Will you resort to the same recipes as often as possible to eliminate the chance of cooking something you don’t like and wasting your items? I, personally, think that is almost as sad as being in the situation of needing a food bank to begin with.

According to the packaging, here is a breakdown of what my dinner contained:

  • 4080mg of sodium
  • 13g of fat
  • 2120 calories
  • 222g carbohydrate

Note the amount of sodium. As my sister Pina said when I told her the numbers, it’s “the killer”. Also keep in mind this was just one meal.

Well, I better go get ready to attend the opening of the 2010 Windsor International Film Festival and be around happy people eating awesome food. Yay me…

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