Our friends at County Connect have come up with a great way to access local meats. They are beginning Essex County’s first meat share program. Rather than have me explain it, I’ve included all the information they sent us below. This is a terrific initiative and another positive step towards securing Essex County’s place as a culinary mecca.
The County Connect Meat Share Program is now up and we are currently featuring Beef. The County Connect Meat Share Program was created to bring high quality, naturally raised, healthy, local meat to the people of our community.
Through County Connect, you can purchase a “share” of an animal lovingly and sustainably raised by local farmers you know and trust. Meat from the whole animal is used giving you a variety to enjoy with your family.
Benefits of Participation…
Know where your food comes from and how it was grown and raised. Feel good about eating a high quality natural product that is safe for your whole family. Also, know you are supporting the farmers in our community who love what they do, nurture the animals they share and have a commitment to quality of food you can enjoy.
Discover many ways to enjoy beef. The whole animal is custom cut by our Butcher, Jamie Waldron who believes some of the most flavourful cuts are often ignored and/or overlooked. Each share gets a selection of both the popular cuts which include the well known steaks, and other cuts for you to discover and enjoy. Tips and recipes will be included to ensure you enjoy every portion.
Save Money. By purchasing a share, your overall cost of the premium product that you receive will be lower than what you would pay for an equivalent quantity and quality of pre-cut meat at retail. In addition, you can feel great about knowing you are supporting a sustainable local economy.
Help farmers. With your commitment in purchasing a portion of the animal and paying a deposit up front, you allow farmers to plan yields and grow their farms. Farming is hard work that is not always profitable. By supporting our local farmers, you help to ensure a sustainable supply of fresh, quality food.
Register today to reserve your share. Quantities are limited.
To register, please complete the registration form found on the County Connect website www.countyconnect.ca/beef-share-registration You can email the form to mail@countyconnect.ca, fax it to 519-325-1267 or mail it to 839 Lawndale Ave, Kingsville ON, N9Y 3S5. If you have any questions, please call us anytime 519-816-7813.
Deadline for this first meat share registration is August 17, 2010. All orders will be confirmed no less than 4 weeks prior to delivery.
About the Beef Share Program
All the beef offered has been naturally grown and fed here in Essex County. No hormones, steroids or antibiotics have been used, nor are the animals fed any animal by-products or GMO grain. Grain and hay are used during the winter months and at the end to add greater fat content and marbling which creates tenderness and develops the flavour in the beef. The beef is then dry aged for 4 weeks to maximize the flavours and tenderness.
The shares are available as follows:
10 lbs = $89 = ($8.90/lb)
25 lbs = $210 = ($8.40/lb)
50 lbs = $399 = ($7.98/lb)
100 lbs = $649 = ($6.59/lb)
200 lbs = $1230 = ($6.15/lb)
Contact us about purchasing a whole or side of beef for even better savings. All meat is cut and aged at a provincially inspected local abattoir.
Included in a Share:
A share is a portion of the beef that is available for sale. The animals are custom cut and divided equally so that everyone gets a selection of the popular cuts such as T-bone steak, rib steak, sirloin steak, flank steak, roasts, ground beef, stew beef and stir fry strips. In addition, premium cuts including the bavette steak, skirt steak, flat iron steak and beef brisket are included. Optional: soup bones, heart, liver, tongue.
The beef share ordered is packaged and can be delivered either fresh or frozen. The first delivery date will fall between September 21-23. As additional dates are added they will be posted.
*Deadline for this first meat share registration is August 17, 2010. All orders will be confirmed no less than 4 weeks prior to delivery.