Monday Mixer: Limoncello Martini

The finished product: a Limoncello Martini

As I was sitting in my car today in the insane heat, losing roughly 5 kilos of sweat and waiting for the air conditioning to cool me off I thought to myself, “Holy $@&! I need a drink!”

Then an idea came to my mind: to do try a drink recipe once a week during the summer and share it with you all. Here is the first recipe:

Limoncello Martini

  • 1oz. Vodka
  • 1oz. Limoncello
  • 2oz. simple syrup
  • ice

Place all the ingredients into a shaker. Shake. Strain into a martini glass.

Be warned, the Limoncello Martini I made was a wee bit strong for Jillian, however, with a bit of tweaking it could be very suitable for anyone on a very hot and humid summer day.

Jillian sipping on her Limoncello Martini

You may also have noticed in the photos some big red blobs in the drink. I had some local cherries and decided to add them as garnish.

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