Wine Trail Ride July 10

Our next Wine Trail Ride is fast approaching! 

On July 10 we will be visiting Mastronardi Estate Winery, Pelee Island Winery and Black Bear Farms and Estate Winery. 

I really love our Wine Trail Rides.  They are such a great way to experience our county.  Adriano are always saying that we don’t both need to be on every ride but every ride the both of us are there.  It’s because we love being a part of them.  There’s always such a great sense of cameraderie amongst the group on every ride. 

Our tandem has been a hit with people too.  When not being used for the Wine Trail Rides, we actually ride it around town and it’s so much fun.  The packages are only $100 and we bring the bike to the ride….it’s hassle free!

Tickets are only $35 plus tax and included a guided tour, tastings and a great meal at the end of the day.  You can’t beat that!  So if you haven’t been on one of our Wine Trail Rides, what are you waiting for??  Join us for an award winning experience!

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