We're Uber Excited for this Weekends Wine Trail Ride

Well, we called in some favours and pulled some strings so it finally looks like Mother Nature will cooperate with us this weekend for our final Wine Trail Ride of the season.

If you’ve read our ‘Top 7 Reasons Wine Trail Rides in October Are The Best”, you’ll understand why we’re uber excited for this Saturdays Wine Trail Ride. It looks like the timing of the leaves changing colour is pefect and should be in full swing by October 17. Add to that the beautiful, sunny autumn day we’re supposed to have and we couldn’t have asked for anything better.

If you’ve been planning on making it out to one of our rides to enjoy the ‘best culinary tourism experience in Ontario’ for 2009, but, haven’t had the chance to yet, this would be the one not to miss. Tickets are only $25 each and include your tastings, tours, guides and a meal. They can be purchased in our online shop or at Maximum Edge Bicycles (cash only) located at 3393 County Rd 42 (across from the airport).

Don’t forget that if you’re looking for a fun time with a close friend or significant other that we have a Tandem Bicycle package that includes a tandem bicycle rental and two tickets for the Wine Trail Ride for only $90. It’s a great deal considering you won’t need to worry about bringing any bikes out as we do it for you.

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