Events at The Social Bean Cafe

The Social Bean Cafe is offering up a couple events that should be a good time for all.

Playing off the success of the WindsorEats Trivia Nights, hosted by Jerry and his gang, Social Bean now presents Trivial Pursuit night tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18, 2009, beginning at 7:00pm. Go as a group or as an individual and answer questions on some  pop culture questions and videos.

In another Social Bean event that will get the neighbourhood rocking, The Social Bean Cafe presents Beanstock, an outdoor concert, on Saturday, August 29, 2009 from 7:0opm to 11:00pm.  Multiple local bands will be on hand to entertain the crowd.

Also, don’t forget every Wednesday at The Social Bean Cafe is ‘At the Movies…” where they show a classic film once at noon and again at 7:00pm.

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