August Wine Trail Ride Was Awesome

Our August 2009 Wine Trail Ride came and went this past weekend and it was absolutely fantastic!  We were once again we were blessed with absolutely beautiful weather. As you can see in the picture above our tandem bicycle, that is available to rent for each ride, made its debut.  We started at Mastronardi Estate Winery and made our way to Pelee Island Winery and Black Bear Farms Estate Winery before making our way back to MEW.

Black Bear Farms & Estate Winery also made its first appearance on our Wine Trail Rides and everyone was pleasantly surprised with the wine as they were all expecting wines made from fruit to be dessert wines.

While I was stuck driving the support vehicle packed with everyones purchases from the wineries, the group spent the majority of the time cycling the Greenway and enjoying the sites and sounds of Essex County.

Once we arrived back at Mastronardi, the MEW Crew (as I like to call them) had already begun preparing the meal.  I had been drooling all day waiting for the chance to get my hands on the homemade Portuguese donuts.  Since I had to leave early to make my way back to Windsor for a wedding, I made Pina purchase a plate full of them for me. Deeeeeee-lish!

The dates, yes thats pluralized…dates, for our September Wine Trail Rides should be announced this week so stay tuned to us to be able to book your tickets before they sell out!  If you haven’t been on one yet, summer is quickly coming to an end and there aren’t many rides left!

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