Mother's Day Weekend Was A Busy One

Chanoso's Appterizer Platter
Chanoso's Appterizer Platter

This past Mother’s Day weekend has been absolutely insane as there was a lot going on to keep us busy.

On Friday, if you haven’t heard yet, the Windsor Spitfires won the Ontario Hockey League’s championship on home ice. To celebrate, Jill and I headed out to Chanoso’s for a nice celebratory meal. We ordered the Appetizer Platter and were not disappointed. For only $22.95, we received a plentiful amount of avocado rolls, veggie gyoza, lettuce wraps and hummus.

Anthony Dalupan and friends getting ready to set the 'flying latern' free.
Anthony Dalupan and friends getting ready to set the 'flying latern' free.

On Saturday, Bamboo Catering Co., which officially closed its doors on Friday, hosted a Farewell and Thank You party for regulars, friends and family. Chef Anthony Dalupan served up his famous sliders (I’m going to miss them so much) and lamb chops among other things. At the end of the night, all guests signed a ‘flying lantern’ which was to be set off into the night. It was a great casual evening to give a talented chef a well deserved tip of the hat.

Finally, Sunday was Mother’s Day and we decided to give Ma dinner cooked by us. Pina whipped up some of her amazing Pasta alla Carbonara in addition to some steaks done on the grill along with some corn-on-the-cob. We also through together some roasted potatoes with rosemary picked from the backyard and a nice bottle of Pelee Island Winery Shiraz.

Pasta alla Carbonara being prepped.
Pasta alla Carbonara being prepped.

Throw into the mix that Pina and I have been working feverishly to meet some deadlines on a couple fun WindsorEats project, which we will tell you about soon, and it was a pretty jam-packed, yet fun, Mother’s Day weekend. This week looks like it is going to be just as busy, too, with Wine Club on Wednesday and Flick and a Feast on Thursday.

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