Flick and a Feast: Dinner and a Movie Packages Now Available

Windsor International Film Festival
Windsor International Film Festival

WindsorEats.com is proud to announce a partnership with the Windsor International Film Festival to offer a time honoured tradition: Dinner and a movie…or as we at WindsorEats like to call it, our Flick and a Feast.

Each month, the Windsor International Film Festival, also known as WIFF, features a screening (or two) and now through our newly launched online shop, you can purchase tickets and a 3-course meal at participating WindsorEats members for only $35 per person.

Pina and I are very excited to be a part of promoting the Flick and a Feast packages and feel they add another significant piece to the promotion of Windsor and Essex County.

So, get on out and enjoy a fantastic evening all while supporting a local restaurants, a local event and the local economy.

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